The Schnaithmann Maschinenbau GmbH in Remshalden Grundbach is nestled among the vineyards in the beautiful Remstal near Stuttgart. From the beginning of his entrepreneurial activities in 1985, Karl Schnaithmann's daily view of the natural landscape was an incentive and a motivation to contribute to protecting nature’s beauty as an entrepreneur. The obligation to leave an intact environment for future generations was the reason why environmental protection was included in the corporate mission statement. This means that the conservation of resources and the avoidance of emissions are always taken into account in everyday business activities.
As part of an external environmental audit, in July 2019, Schnaithmann environmental practices were assessed and as a confirmation of their activities, were awarded the ISO 14001 Environmental Certificate.
The implementation of self-defined environmental goals and the maintenance of the environmental management system will continue to be evaluated externally each year. The feedback from the external environmental audits feeds into the continuous improvement process for the protection of the environment.