As part of a labor market policy tour of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economics Labor and Housing, On October 10, 2019, Schnaithmann was one of the selected companies, which State Secretary Katrin Schütz and Ralf Kaiser from the Department of Vocational Training visited.
Our President and CEO Karl Schnaithmann presented the company. During the subsequent factory tour, the visitors were given an impression of the complex projects with special engineering construction that will be produced in Remshalden. In the training workshop, the apprentices presented their projects practically to the State Secretary. There was a constructive exchange on current labor market policy issues, including: How can young people be inspired by the dual training system? How can we get more girls interested in technical education? How do we integrate young people even better with the training courses AV-Dual and the entry-level qualification (EQ)?
Schnaithmann currently employs 279 people, including 38 apprentices in eight different occupational fields. The training rate is over 15 percent. The State Secretary was impressed by the well-established training workshop and the commitment of our company to young people.